Guidance and Healing Sessions
Connect with your own personal guardian angel to fill your cup with good vibes and help light your way to your most joyful and magnificent expression as a being.
Do you feel the call to something more?
You have come to the right place.
Your soul and the universe has brought you here for a reason. Are you ready to take the steps reaching out to you? Do you have the courage to embrace your full power and magnificence?
The life of your dream awaits.
Do you need support on your path?
Do you feel like you’re being called to something greater but unsure how to get there? Are there dreams in your heart that are crying out to be expressed?
Are you feeling uncertain of the best way forward or if you’re even on the right track? Do you feel tired and overwhelmed trying to navigate and make your way in the world of today?
Are you doing the deep work and needing support as you break free from all the shackles to live your most magnificent existence?
So many of us are looking for our purpose but struggling to find our way beneath the noise and pressures of the modern world. You know you are being called to something greater but sometimes it can be hard to know how to get there. So many drains on our time and energy, it can be confusing and overwhelming and hard to find clarity.

You Don't Have to Do This Alone
Imagine having a personal guardian angel on call, to offer you helpful insights and unconditionally loving support on your journey. A voice of truth giving you the courage to shed the shackles and blossom into your wildest and most beautiful expression.
A companion of good vibes filling your cup and loading you up with encouragement and wisdom to keep your spirits up and the flames burning bright. All the confusion melts away into clarity and clear direction, and the thrill of knowing you’re on the right track.
Feel loved and supported, empowered to keep moving forward with confidence and courage despite any doubts and challenges you face, seeing the path lit up before you and all your dreams coming to life.
Give your evolution a turbo boost and claim the joyful fulfilling life that is yours to live.
From Caterpillar Goo to Butterfly Glory
I specialise in helping courageous soul questers discover and share their gifts and walk their path of highest joy and service. I support those brave enough to heed the call to die to all you thought you were to discover the radiant truth of who you were born to be.
We each hold a seed in our hearts containing the unique gifts and essence that only we can offer to this world. With the right nurturing this soul seed blossoms into our sacred service that is our joy to give.
This journey of soul discovery is very much like the caterpillar entering the cocoon to metamorphose into its butterfly form.
Inside the caterpillar are the imaginal cells, the cells that hold the vision of the butterfly the caterpillar was always destined to become. When these cells begin to activate, the caterpillar body first tries to fight them and resist the change. Eventually the call is too great and the caterpillar weaves its cocoon and dissolves into goo.
From this pile of caterpillar goo the butterfly is formed. The butterfly is made from all the parts that were the caterpillar, but reimagined into a glorious new being with capabilities beyond its wildest imagining.
To become the butterfly the caterpillar must be willing to die to everything it thought it was.
And so it is with humans. To become your highest destiny you must be willing to dissolve everything you thought you were to discover the truth beneath the programming. And from these parts, from all the wounds and struggles and joys, your greatest potential is born. Your wounds becomes your medicine. Your fears illuminate your greatest gifts. All the threads of your life weave together in a glorious tapestry that feels so good and so right.
It is a courageous path to walk with many a demon to be faced and treasure to be claimed and it is my honour to support you on your way. What is scarier than a life not fully lived?

Live the Life of Your Dreams
Reclaim who you are beneath the programming of society. Discover and tap into your unique soul gifts. Learn how to attune to your unique wisdom and power. Feel radiant with vitality empowered to stride confidently into your destiny.
Sessions being with an energy healing treatment to get you into a high vibration state where insight and inspiration flows easily. You will experience renewed vitality, peace and joy. From this boosted state we will then do a card reading to tune into the universal wisdom and find the insights you need to move forward confidently on your path.
You will have a safe and sacred space to express all your questions, experiences and concerns and receive insights and tools to guide you forward. You will be able to workshop where you're at and leave with helpful takeaways to move forward on your path. Learn how to tap into your inner guidance and engage the flow to be lifted miraculously into your most purposeful and joyful expression as a being.

Discover the Song Your Heart Longs to Sing
You were not made to live a small and dissatisfied life.
Learn to commune with your inner guidance and the great forces of the universe. Become one with the powers of creation that want to dance through you and as you.
Live the life that is your joy to live.
"Ever since I've met Emma, my personal journey vision has changed, expanded and realigned. She's an angel in a human body and a great facilitator, someone that really listens when you talk to her. I REALLY RECOMMEND; a card reading and a reiki session with her, its helped enormously my decision making eased my life over all... She's THE BEST!!"
"Can 100% confirm Emma works miracles! Emma’s help and support through my own journey has been instrumental! She’s been able to hold presence unlike I’ve experienced and offer so much insight. Her skill set and genuine desire to help others and the earth is unmatched! Highly recommend.”
"For those familiar with the X-Men series, Emma's Healing Place bears a striking resemblance to Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Just as Professor Xavier nurtures the unique abilities of young mutants, Emma possesses an innate ability to discern the hidden talents and blocks residing within each individual.
Her profound empathy allows her to understand the struggles of feeling out of place, grappling with a sense of being different in a world that demands conformity. Emma's unwavering commitment resonates deeply with the prevailing challenges of modern society. At Sophia's Rose, a sanctuary she has established, authenticity reigns supreme. Here, you are not just accepted, but celebrated for your true essence.
The ethos revolves around guiding you to not only embrace your distinctiveness but also to harness your innate gifts. Through Emma's guidance, you'll learn to channel these gifts, seamlessly merging them into your life's flow and awakening your inner reservoir of power. The transformative journey at Sophia's Rose is more than a healing process; it's an awakening, a profound realization of your potential, and a nurturing cocoon where your authentic self blossoms into its fullest expression."
Who Am I and How Can I Help?
I am an award winning scholar with four degrees from Australia's top university. I am also a skilled energy worker and Reiki master.
They say wisdom is what works and I operate at the interface of science and spirituality drawing upon the best of all worlds. Ever since I was a child I have been enquiring into the heart of it all and have discovered some profound truths that have brought me joy, peace and meaning beyond my wildest dreams. I am initiated into many pathways into the mysteries and adept at communicating directly with the great forces of the universe.
I know this path because I've walked this path. I've deep dived the depths of my soul to face the demons and uncover the treasures. I've died to all I've known to discover the greater truth beneath the programming.
Every single day of my life is filled with joy and purpose. This certainly wasn't always the case and is the result of the teachings I am so glad to share with you.
I am living what makes my heart sing and sharing my soul gifts in service to all that matters to me and it feels so good. And it is my passion and privilege to help you do the same.

"You are pure magic. Thank you for being the guardian angel of the masculine and the feminine."

Energy Exchange: $111 per 90 minute session
Packages available, enquire to find out more. Sessions take place at the Temple of Earthly Delights in Preston or the Silk Road in Northcote.
I will not die an unlived life
I will not live in fear
of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days,
to allow my living to open me,
to make me less afraid,
more accessible,
to loosen my heart
until it becomes a wing,
a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance;
to live so that which came to me as seed
goes to the next as blossom
and that which came to me as blossom,
goes on as fruit.
- Dawna Markova
Get in Touch
Reach out here or on 0448631063 to book a session or share any questions you may have. The life of your dreams is waiting for you.