Sacred Erotica
Our erotic energy is our life force energy. It is the force that makes the flowers bloom and attracts moon to Earth. It is the source of our greatest vitality, creativity and power.
The shaming and desecration of our sexuality is destroying us and our Earth.
It is time to reclaim our erotic essence as something beautiful, sacred and innocent. It is a gift of life to be celebrated and enjoyed.
We offer educational, enchanting and empowering erotica in service to love and healing.
Tap into your magic and power and experience wonders beyond your dreams.

Guided practices to help awaken your erotic magic. Follow along for a journey into deep healing, profound transformation and ecstatic bliss.

Engage with beautifully crafted content that nurtures your spirit and ignites your passion. Depictions of the realness of the human experience in all its fun, wildness and vulnerability.
Talking through all the shame to get to the truth. Sharing experiences and insights to break free from the shackles and support each other on our journey home.
Sophia's Rose Sacred Erotica
Coming Soon!!!
Sign up for updates and to receive the juiciest content, life changing practices and shame shedding conversations straight to your inbox.
Portfolio of Erotic Artistry
I am proud to work for Melbourne’s premier female friendly erotica studios capturing the essence of wild womanhood and feel lucky to live in a city where such excellence in artistry is going down.
"The beauty of authentic female orgasm beautifully filmed and tastefully presented"
Feck provides unique opportunities for creative self expression and put out some really innovative work. They are all about capturing and celebrating real people and real orgasms. They are a glorious breath of fresh air in a world of fakeness.
I Shot Myself is an invitation to take a folio of artistic self shot nudes that is open to all women of any size, shape and colour. It is such a beautiful and glorious thing to see women owning their power and showcasing their unique bodies and personality in such fun and creative ways. Going to their office and seeing all the pictures of these brave amazing women being their truest selves in all their glory brings tears to my eyes. Creating these folios have been some of the most fun and special creative activities I’ve ever done.
Beautiful Agony features self shot videos of just the face in orgasm providing fascinating insight into this taboo yet intrinsic part of the human experience. These are accompanied with interviews with participants discussing whatever aspects of sex they feel like sharing. It is open to contributors of all kinds and genders and is such a profound conversation starter in bringing down the walls of sexual shame.
I Feel Myself is all about capturing real female orgasm in all its glory. I love working for Feck and am so proud of the beautiful art we make together. You can view my artist's profile here.
Sign up and enter code 36329685 to receive 10% off.
“Our angel is back, that perfect smile brightening the studio and bringing warmth to everyone who watches her.”
“Sophia’s expression is absolutely angelic, but I can’t figure out exactly why. She’s beautiful, of course… she’s relaxed, yes. But there’s something more. She’s imbued with a kind of light, something transcendent - and the more her arousal grows, the clearer it becomes. A true radiance, pouring out and illuminating the world around her."

Girls Out West
After COVID I moved back to Melbourne and prayed to the universe to find a way to make money that’s in line with my values. The next day I found the flyer for Girls Out West and my destiny was set.
Girls Out West is Melbourne’s 100% female owned and directed erotica company run by the visionary Annie. There is such magic in women encouraging and empowering each other in their wild and delicious sexual expression in a totally safe space.
Doing GOW is by far one of the most important things for my self empowerment I have done in my life. I have never felt so seen and appreciated for all that I am inside and out. Every woman on that website is having a delightful time expressing her unique self and it shines through the content. All the shoots are a reflection and celebration of each woman’s essence and all the joys of being a lady.
It is such a beautiful thing to see so many women of all kinds celebrated for their uniqueness, all just as worthy of worship and adoration. So different to standardised mainstream pornography and such beautiful medicine to be offering to the world.
Some of the funnest days of my life have been on set for GOW. We have so much fun working together serving up the sweetest spicy creative content for our members. It has to be the most wholesome site on the net. The members are so beautiful and their feedback has helped me so much in breaking free from any last residues of shame. Reading their beautiful words makes my day.
The scariest thing I’ve ever done in my life is being seen with body hair. Growing it out I honestly thought urgh I am repulsive now and nobody will ever find me attractive again. It has been the deepest healing to be met with such reverence and appreciation for it. GOW and their beautiful members taught me to appreciate it and slowly learn to love it. I now feel sexier with the body hair and I don’t know if I would have gotten to this point of pure self love if it wasn’t for GOW.
If you are interested in joining this magnificent band of sexy spice girls and trying some modelling yourself message 0411 626 819 and tell them Sophia Rose sent you. It may just be one of the funnest and empowering things you ever do.
Visit my artist's profile here and sign up to the funnest and freshest lady loving site on the web!!