Cuddles and Connection
Experience nurturing intimacy sessions that foster vulnerability, love, and a sense of being truly seen. A space to be listened to, held and feel loved without condition.
Is Your Soul Calling for Some Tenderness?
Do you long for connection but also feel fear around it? Are you longing for tenderness and warmth but don't know how to get it? Do you feel blocks around intimacy or suffering from attachment issues that sabotage your desire for loving relationship? Do you want to feel loved and held?
It can be really scary opening to another human being. The fear of rejection, of being found not good enough. We can carry so much hardness and fear and shame in our hearts. Opening to love can feel like risking ourselves to being left out in the cold to die. We put up the walls to protect ourselves which then become our prisons, longing for warmth and tenderness but stuck feeling lonely and afraid and not knowing how to get out.
Feel Loved and Seen
Imagine feeling so safe and lovingly held, receiving exactly the beautiful nourishing intimacy your soul craves. No pressure to perform or to be anything but yourself.
Get the nourishing connection you need in a totally safe and comfortable way. Feel seen, loved and appreciated for all that you are.
Relax and Be Held in the Safest of Spaces
Relax into the safest of spaces to explore connection and the practice of vulnerability. Nothing to do or to be, free to simply be yourself and loved and held with sweetness, patience and presence.
You will be seen without judgment, listened to without advice and loved without condition. You will be nourished with soothing touch and held with warmth and tenderness. You can talk through whatever you need to express and listened to with a patient and caring ear. Support will be provided to help in the healing of any issues you are wishing to address.
Sessions are customised according to your needs and desires for the time. They may be clothed or unclothed, with exploratory touch in whatever way feels comfortable and nourishing. Sessions are non-sexual in nature, with the focus on nurturing platonic intimacy. Try a tantric sensual massage experience if you are seeking to cultivate eros energies.
Receive the warmth, caring and tenderness your spirit craves.
Energy Exchange: $222 per hour
Longer sessions available on request.
Dear Sophia Rose, thank you for your care, your generosity and your gentleness.
About Me
This work is my sacred service. I offer these experiences in service to love, truth, beauty and the healing of this world.
I love to love and I love to listen. I see the beauty in everything and everyone. It makes my heart sing to see humans blossom into greater trust and joy and come into their aliveness.
I am a devotee of the goddess and aim to be a channel of her love to flow into this Earth.
I grew up unconditionally loved and with a secure attachment style. I know now this is not the norm and I love to share this gift with others in service to the healing of this world.
"Sophia you are an intuitive and empathic healer. I enjoy our time together, and you're good for my heart and soul, just what I need at the moment, lots of love.."
Get in Touch
Reach out here or on 0448631063 to make a booking or with any questions you may have.
It is my joy to be of service.